Timeless Interiors

One-Stop-Shop for Interior Décor
Timeless Interiors offers more than great products. Whether you are shopping for a single window covering or redecorating your entire house, we have great people with the knowledge and expertise to help you put it all together.
We are locally owned and operated and serve Reno, Carson City, Sparks, Lake Tahoe, and the surrounding areas. We are proud of the professional products and services we provide and take our long-term commitment to the community seriously. We are here now, and we'll be here in the future when you need us again.
Our Vendors
- American Leather - leather and upholstered furnishings - http://www.americanleather.com/
- Anthony Kahn - Custom Case Goods - http://www.anthonykahn.com/
- Arteriors - Lighting, furnishings and accessories - http://www.arteriorshome.com/
- Artistry Hardwood flooring - http://www.ArtistryFlooring.com/
- Artistica Home Case Goods - http://www.artisticahome.com/
- Ashley Norton - http://ashleynorton.com/
- Cabinet and door hardware
- Bernhardt Upholstery and Case Goods - http://www.bernhardt.com/
- Bracci Leather Upholstery - http://www.braccisofas.comMade in Italy, (plan ahead)
- Bramble & Bramble Upholstery and Case Goods - http://www.brambleco.com/
- Canadel - Furnishings - http://canadel.com/
- Conrad Shades - http://www.conradshades.com/
- Currey & Company - http://www.curreyandcompany.com/
- Duralee - Fabrics, Hardware, Upholstery - http://www.duralee.com/
- Euroleather - http://www.euroleather.net/
- Fabricut - Fabrics - http://www.fabricut.com/
- Four Hands - http://www.fourhands.com/
- Global Views - http://www.globalviews.com/
- Green Gables - http://www.greengablesfurniture.com/
- Habersham - Case Goods - http://www.habershamhome.com/Traditional
- Hartmann and Forbes - Window Coverings, Wallpaper - http://www.hartmanforbes.com/
- Hammerton Lighting - Lighting - http://www.hammertonlighting.com/
- Hooker - Case Goods, Upholstery - http://www.hookerfurniture.com/
- Hubbardton Forge - Lighting - http://www.hubbardtonforge.com/
- Hunter Douglas - Window Coverings - http://www.hunterdouglas.com/
- Iconic Pineapple - Inspired wall décor - http://www.iconicpineapple.com/
- Jaunty Rugs - http://www.jauntyrugs.com/
- Lexington - Upholstery, Case Goods - http://www.lexington.com/
- Marge Carson and Carson-Upholstery, Case Goods - http://www.margecarson.com/
- Mirror Image - Custom Mirrors - http://mirrorimagehome.com/
- Modern History - Case Goods - http://www.modernhistory.com/
- Moss Studio - Upholstery - http://www.mossstudio.com/Home.aspx
- New Moon - Custom Rugs - http://www.newmoonrugs.com/
- Niche - Custom Glass - http://www.nichemodern.com/
- OW Lee - Outdoor - http://www.owlee.com/
- Pacific Green - Upholstery, Case Goods - http://www.pacificgreen.net/
- Palacek - Upholstery, Case Goods and Hospitality - http://www.palecek.com/
- Perennials - Outdoor Fabrics and Furniture - http://www.perennials.com/
- Petals -Floral Accessories - http://www.petals.com/
- Pindler - Fabrics - http://www.pindler.com/
- Pine Cone Hill - Bedding, Wallpaper, Clothing - http://www.anneselke.com/
- Rene Cazeres-Upholstery, Case Goods - http://rcfurniture.com/
- Robert Allen - Fabrics, Hardware - http://www.robertallendesign.com/
- Rutt - Cabinetry - Custom - http://www.ruttcabinetry.com/
- Stout - Fabrics - http://www.estout.com/
- Stroheim, Verain, S Harris, Trend- Fabrics - http://www.fabricut.com/
- Sunset West - Outdoor - http://www.sunsetwestusa.com/
- Surya - Rugs - http://www.surya.com/
- Tommy Bahama- Indoor, Outdoor - http://www.tommybahamafurniture.com/
- Top Knobs - Hardware - http://www.topknobs.com/
- Trivantage - Outdoor Fabrics (Sunbrella) - http://www.trivantage.com/
- Unifactor - Custom - http://www.unifactor.us/
- United Fabrics - http://www.unitedfabrics.com/
- Uttermost and Revolation - Upholstery, Case Goods, Accessories - http://www.uttermost.com/
- Wesley Allen - Iron Beds and Stools -http://www.wesleyallen.com/
- Wood Goods- Hospitality - http://www.woodgoods.com/